

In this tutorial, we will show how to create the 2nd example distributed with PENEPMA (epma2.in). It consists of a couple of copper on one side and iron on the other. The materials, geometry (.geo) and input file (.in) will all be created and the results will be analyzed using pyPENELOPEtools. The complete code can also be found in the unit tests.

The tutorial assumes that:
  • pyPENELOPEtools is installed.
  • PENELOPE and PENEPMA are installed,
  • PENELOPE is located in a folder called /penelope and the material executable in /penelope/pendbase/material,
  • PENEPMA is located in a folder called /penepma and the executable in /penepma/bin/penepma, and
  • Simulation files are placed in the folder /simulation/epma2.


First, let’s create two Material definitions.

from pypenelopetools.material import Material
material_cu = Material('Cu', {29: 1.0}, 8.9)
material_fe = Material('Fe', {26: 1.0}, 7.874)

To create the actual material files (.mat), we first need to export the input file for the material executable.

with open('/penelope/pendbase/Cu.mat.in', 'w') as fp:
with open('/penelope/pendbase/Fe.mat.in', 'w') as fp:

From a command prompt in the folder /penelope/pendbase, run the following commands to create the two material files (Cu.mat and Fe.mat):

./material < Cu.mat.in
./material < Fe.mat.in

The material files can now be copied in /simulation/epma2.


PENGEOM geometries consist of surfaces and modules. A SurfaceImplicit can be arbitrarily defined using quadratic equations, but pyPENELOPEtools also provides utility functions for simple cases. A Module group different surfaces and other modules together forming an object with an associated Material.

For this example, the couple geometry consists of a cylinder with three planes: one defining the top surface, one for the bottom surface and a dividing plane in the middle. Let’s create these surfaces using the utility functions:

from pypenelopetools.pengeom.surface import xplane, zplane, cylinder
surface_top = zplane(0.0)
surface_bottom = zplane(-0.1)
surface_cylinder = cylinder(1.0)
surface_divider = xplane(0.0)

All the dimensions are in centimeters, so the code above creates a cylinder with a radius of 1cm and a depth of 100mm. The couple is divided with a plane perpendicular to the x-axis.

Let’s now construct our two modules, corresponding to the right and left halves of the couple geometry:

from pypenelopetools.pengeom.module import Module, SidePointer
module_right = Module(material_cu, 'Right half of the sample')
module_right.add_surface(surface_top, SidePointer.NEGATIVE)
module_right.add_surface(surface_bottom, SidePointer.POSITIVE)
module_right.add_surface(surface_cylinder, SidePointer.NEGATIVE)
module_right.add_surface(surface_divider, SidePointer.POSITIVE)

module_left = Module(material_fe, 'Left half of the sample')
module_left.add_surface(surface_top, SidePointer.NEGATIVE)
module_left.add_surface(surface_bottom, SidePointer.POSITIVE)
module_left.add_surface(surface_cylinder, SidePointer.NEGATIVE)

The side pointer specifies which side of the surface forms the enclosed module. Note that the right module is added to the left module. This tells PENGEOM that the two modules are touching each other and share a common interface.

The two modules are put together into a Geometry:

geometry = Geometry('Cylindrical homogeneous foil')

Finally, the geometry can be saved as a .geo file. The filename should be remembered since it will be needed to construct the input file.

geofilename = 'epma2.geo'
with open('/simulation/epma2/' + geofilename, 'w') as fp:
    index_lookup = geometry.write(fp)

The write() method returns an important value, a lookup table with the indexes that were associated with the modules and materials. These indexes will be needed to construct the input file.


PENELOPE, PENGEOM and PENEPMA rely on indexes and properly ordered lines in the input file to identify the right materials or modules. This strategy does not work very well with object oriented programming (i.e. classes, objects, etc.), so pyPENELOPEtools uses an index lookup to try to link the two approaches. This way the user does not have to remember all the indexes, although the index-based approach can still be used if needed.


Let’s now create the input file (.in) for the simulation. All the simulation parameters are stored in a PenepmaInput <pypenelopetools.penepma.input.PenepmaInput> object.

from pypenelopetools.penepma.input import PenepmaInput
input = PenepmaInput()

The PenepmaInput <pypenelopetools.penepma.input.PenepmaInput> object contains all the keywords available for a PENEPMA simulation. Have a look at the documentation to see which ones are available and what are their parameters.

First, we setup the title and electron beam definition: a 15kV electron beam with an initial position at x=20um and z=1cm pointing downwards.

input.TITLE.set('A CU-Fe couple')
input.SPOSIT.set(2e-5, 0.0, 1.0)
input.SDIREC.set(180, 0.0)

Secondly, the materials and their simulation parameters. We use the index_lookup to find the index of the materials and the filename property to find the filename of each material.

input.materials.add(index_lookup[material_cu], material_cu.filename, 1e3, 1e3, 1e3, 0.2, 0.2, 1e3, 1e3)
input.materials.add(index_lookup[material_fe], material_fe.filename, 1e3, 1e3, 1e3, 0.2, 0.2, 1e3, 1e3)

Thirdly, the geometry definition and the maximum step length parameters. Again here we use the index_lookup to find the index of the modules.

input.DSMAX.add(index_lookup[module_right], 1e-4)
input.DSMAX.add(index_lookup[module_left], 1e-4)

Fourthly, the interaction forcings and splitting parameters. This is a copy of the parameters in the PENEPMA example.

input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_right], 1, 4, -5, 0.9, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_right], 1, 5, -250, 0.9, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_right], 2, 2, 10, 1e-3, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_right], 2, 3, 10, 1e-3, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_left], 1, 4, -5, 0.9, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_left], 1, 5, -7, 0.9, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_left], 2, 2, 10, 1e-3, 1.0)
input.IFORCE.add(index_lookup[module_left], 2, 3, 10, 1e-3, 1.0)

input.IBRSPL.add(index_lookup[module_right], 2)
input.IBRSPL.add(index_lookup[module_left], 2)

input.IXRSPL.add(index_lookup[module_right], 2)
input.IXRSPL.add(index_lookup[module_left], 2)

Fifthly, the emerging particle distributions, photon detectors and spatial distribution.

import pyxray
from pypenelopetools.penepma.utils import convert_xrayline_to_izs1s200

input.NBE.set(0, 0, 300)
input.NBANGL.set(45, 30)

input.photon_detectors.add(0, 90, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(5, 15, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(15, 25, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(25, 35, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(35, 45, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(45, 55, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(55, 65, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(65, 75, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
input.photon_detectors.add(75, 85, 0, 360, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)

input.GRIDX.set(-1e-5, 5e-5, 60)
input.GRIDY.set(-3e-5, 3e-5, 60)
input.GRIDZ.set(-6e-5, 0.0, 60)
input.XRLINE.add(convert_xrayline_to_izs1s200(pyxray.xray_line(26, 'Ka2')))
input.XRLINE.add(convert_xrayline_to_izs1s200(pyxray.xray_line(29, 'Ka2')))


The theta angles of a photon detector are defined as angles from the positive z-axis. This is different than the take-off angle usually used in microanalysis. For a take-off angle of 30deg, theta would be 60deg.


Use convert_xrayline_to_izs1s200 to convert XrayLine from pyxray library to PENELOPE’s ILB(4) notation.

Finally, the job properties. The first random seed is negative to force the generation of a random seed every time a simulation is started. We also use the conversion function from XrayLine to ILB(4) notation for the relative uncertainty termination REFLIN. The simulation will terminate if the relative uncertainty (3-sigma) on the Fe Ka2 total characteristic intensity detected by the first detector is less than 0.15%.


input.RSEED.set(-10, 1)
input.REFLIN.set(convert_xrayline_to_izs1s200(pyxray.xray_line(26, 'Ka2')), 1, 1.5e-3)

That completes all the parameters for the simulation. The last step is to save them as a .in file.

with open('/simulation/epma2/epma2.in', 'w') as fp:

From the /simulation/epma2 folder, the simulation can be run using the PENEPMA main program.

penepma < epma2.in


After the simulation has terminated or even after the first dump, the results can be read using pyPENELOPEtools. Each result has its own class that follows the same interface. The next lines describe how to read the backscatter electron coefficient and plot the photon spectrum of the first detector. For more information about the results, please refer to the API section.

To read the simulation time, we create a PenepmaResult object and call its read_directory() method.

from pypenelopetools.penepma.results import PenepmaResult
result = PenepmaResult()

The backscatter electron coefficient is stored in the attribute upbound_fraction which returns a ufloat object. ufloat objects are from the library uncertainties which is designed to handle values and their uncertainties. Here is how to extract the nominal and standard deviation (1-sigma) of the backscatter electron coefficient:

bse = result.upbound_fraction.nominal_value
bse = result.upbound_fraction.n # alternative
unc_bse = result.upbound_fraction.std_dev
unc_bse = result.upbound_fraction.s # alternative


All results in pyPENELOPEtools are stored for consistency using ufloat, even those where the uncertainty is always 0.0 (e.g. total simulation time).

To plot the photon spectrum, we first create a PenepmaSpectrumResult object. The class takes one argument, the index of the detector to read. The first detector has an index of 1.

from pypenelopetools.penepma.results import PenepmaSpectrumResult
result = PenepmaSpectrumResult(1)

To plot the spectrum, we use the library matplotlib. The x-axis (energy axis) is stored in the attribute energies_eV whereas the intensities in 1/(sr.electron) in the attribute intensities_1_per_sr_electron.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(result.energies_eV, result.intensities_1_per_sr_electron, '-')

This completes the PENEPMA tutorial.